SITTING ROOM: 18'5" x 11'11" (5.61m x 3.63m) Direct access to :
SUN ROOM: 18'5" x 6'7" min (5.61m x 2.01m min)
OPEN PLAN SITTING/DINING/KITCHEN: 20'4" x 18'5" (6.20m x 5.61m) A superb family room with sitting and dining areas. The kitchen area offers an extensive range of wall and base cupboards with an 'Island' unit having further storage facilities. Space for cooker. Integrated fridge/freezer. Plumbing for dish washer.
BEDROOM THREE: 11'5" x 8'10" (3.48m x 2.69m)
BATHROOM/SHOWER ROOM: Panelled bath with separate fully tiled shower cubicle with glass sliding door and mains unit.. Wall hung wash hand basin and wc. Mini down lights.
MASTER BEDROOM: 17'11" x 15'1" max (5.46m x 4.60m max)
SHOWER ROOM EN-SUITE: Built in shower cubicle with glass door and panel. Wash hand basin and low level wc.
BEDROOM TWO: 18'5" x 11'5" max (5.61m x 3.48m max)
BEDROOM FOUR/STUDY: 8'1" x 6'2" (2.46m x 1.88m)
OUTSIDE The property is approached over a gravelled driveway providing additional parking and leading to the garage.
Garage: with doors into the kitchen and also rear garden. Plumbing for washing machine. The garden to the rear is established with a decked area adjacent to the house and split level areas of lawn with high close boarded fencing to the boundaries and an established shrub border.
SERVICES: All main services are connected.
TENURE: Freehold.
EPC Rating: D.
VIEWING: By prior appointment through this office please.